

[日期:2010-05-08] 来源:湖南大学廉政研究中心  作者:admin [字体: ]



Personal Data

YAO Xiaoyi, male, born in 1965, Yiyang, Hunan

Ph.D. of Mathematic and Science Economic of

Centresouth University

Visiting scholar in University of Leicester

Professor, master supervisor and dean of the Monetary Finance Department of Finance School of Hunan University

Ø  Major Research Fields

Financial Market Investment Theory and Management

Exchange Rate Theory

International Finance Management

Ø Major Research Projects

10 Projects under the State Foundation for Social Sciences, Peoples Bank of China (Wuhan Branch) and Social Science

Foundation by Hunan Province

Ø Major Publications

7 writings on International Finance, and so on

Over 10 papers published in the Theory and Practice of Finance, Economics and Investment Research etc

Ø  Major Awards

Award for Excellent Papers of Peoples Bank of China (Wuhan Branch)

First prize for Outstanding Achievement of Hunan Association for Finance and Banking


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